My promises to you were second-hand glass
Destined to break the moment they were set in place
Precariously balancing one moment with its still water
But broken in bloodstained shards the next
My promises to you were a house of cards
Bare lies stacked on top of each other
The slightest blow sends them crashing
Into a black-red mess on the floor
My promises to you were the last of the fall leaves
Waiting for the time to leave, never quite right
Shriveled, color-drained, and devoid of life
Waiting to be crushed under my steel-toed boot
My promises to you were the night breeze of Saturday
Seemingly reminiscent of happiness to come
An embrace on nights when you felt alone
Only to bring you into the touch of coldness
My promises to you were a Pandora’s box of lies
Spirits of what could have been rattling its fissuring lid
Begging to be let out and wreak havoc on your heart
An inescapable fate of the cruelty of reality