Sordid Tale

Sordid Tale it was a story to remain untold stuck and forever rotting within the confines of my mind this lovesick dependency on what could not support was the secret i lay hidden in my heart this affair with chemical indifference  blackening and dizzying  was what brought me a sense of fictitious control and respite so once again i must retell my tale to the bare few that will listen a question of acceptance and sanity constantly tugging the depths of  my labyrinth of a head and i must remind myself  that an alternate ending was not  in my fate […]

Broken Promises

Broken Promises My promises to you were second-hand glass Destined to break the moment they were set in place Precariously balancing one moment with its still water But broken in bloodstained shards the next   My promises to you were a house of cards Bare lies stacked on top of each other The slightest blow sends them crashing Into a black-red mess on the floor   My promises to you were the last of the fall leaves Waiting for the time to leave, never quite right Shriveled, color-drained, and devoid of life Waiting to be crushed under my steel-toed boot […]

beginning of summer

the beginning of summer the cold has left, but it remains in the gale that passes by my window the gray of the skies has bled into the palest blue the sun has escaped its embrace in the clouds the world just barely warm enough to walk under tree shade their branches budding with pastel blooms and greener leaves the spray of moringa over tank top clad, sunburned arms begin clear mornings under the pleasant gift of the march month.  they speak of the coming summer, the sun only getting brighter and in my crayon-colored sunlit room the call of […]


icarus you are a golden child among the rays of the sun you float on your sea salt breeze in azure sky your wings beat with the grace of an angel you stray not far from god’s abode itself and high up in the clouds of your escape tell me, what is freedom?   far from your tower of stone imprisonment your days of inferiority and bare survival you are above the control of the world that shut you out you soar from the rules broken like the waves beneath you you are a bird, you are a man, you […]


Oranges The bell would ring,  Snack time!, it called The teacher would pack her books with a sigh My friends would squeal, chittering, metals chairs scraping against linoleum They would all rush to piled biscuits in the corridor, sickly sweet But not you Head down, lips pursed, you would shuffle to my doodled-on desk And I would reach into my bookbag Pull out an orange for us Carefully peeled, curls of skin dropping with its summer smell You held out your hand, cupped, eyes wide A silent ask, to which I obliged. Slices pulled from between the fiber spiderwebs, soft […]

ocean child

ocean child clear blue skies and the sun parting through the clouds her voice spoke to me like sun streaming through azure her voice spoke to me when clouds were whisked away with wind   sea salt breeze ruffling the sea and gulls floating on its pull her standing by my side sent me floating on the summer breeze her hands in mine sent me soaring over blue and sandy shores   blue waves, dissolving seafoam and the whirlpools left behind her laugh hit me like the loud crashing of the waves on the shore her laugh left me like […]

Cloud 9

Cloud 9 I must thank you for setting off my hot air balloon.  For the warmth you gave, for the windy push you sent my way Because now I ascend amidst clouds and sunset sky I see softness in the world around me  I see the birds that seem to never fall They speak of freedom and quiet power to rise forever higher I see colors that seemed muted to me once As the sky titled my chin into its rose-colored glass They sing purple-pink hues of the heaven that you have brought me to The wind blows a careful […]

Up on Poppy Hill

From up on Poppy Hill From up on Poppy hill sits a whitewashed cottage Its flowers bright, its grass green And under waving flags overlooking the windswept sea Sits a girl on poppy hill, amidst the pink blooms She throws her head back, laughing with the summer salt breeze Hair in braids, pink dress sweet And I watch her, as I pedal up to Poppy Hill Amidst the pink blooms she waves at me The flowers sing my name, rosy as I am when she smiles Dancing, sprawled across her sun-filled lawn Her eyes bright like the sun’s warmth And […]

january mornings

january mornings frostbitten nose, pink  buried unto my pillow window of glass and ice droplets quiet, silent, wind-cold and still leaching into the soft layers around me sun, meaningless behind the gray  on an endlessly repeated  january morning. 

Not My Own Person

Not My Own Person I am not in and of myself Farthest from original, I have stolen  From those around me Details I kept close to my heart Were once unobserved nuances from this world around me For I am not my own person   But I am the artist my mother handed paintbrushes to I am the mess of color of her bright shades of crayola markers I am the uneven out of line coloring books she gave me   And I am the screaming car rides with my father I am his favorite 2000’s music of thumping bass […]

Phone Call to Society

Its ringing, its ringingPick up! I sayWhat parts of my speech do you wish to push away?What will you avoid by declining the call?Do you think you I’ll back down? Do you think I will fall?For you to hear my words, how must I reach out?Must I dance? Must I sing? Must I scream, must I shout?What will take for your mind to open and seeThat we wish for love, we wish for equality Before we had no phones, no way to speak, to screamBut now that we do, we are declined, with it, our dreamsOf a place where my […]


Glasses perched low across a crooked noseHis somber eyes rarely liftedInstead, they grazed over catalogsDark ink spilling over themHis hunch, deep, unmovingAs he pored over texts of the pastWhile his arched skeletal handsDrew volumes from their shelvesHe climbed down from his step ladderMiniscule against his towering shelvesClicking against the linoleumIn tidy polished shoesHis brown shirt, tucked into slacksSleeves rolled for slender forearmsThat hauled the doors open each morningHe tsked at the slightest disturbanceGazing disapprovingly at those who whisperedIn his sacred sanctuaryAnd when his brown eyes did meetThey shone and they sparkledWith boundless knowledgeWith a million stories untoldEyes of wisdom, of […]