As she lays her head down to sleep
She dreams of a world of love and of peace
She dreams of a place where everyone smiles
A place she would want to raise her child.

Where her mothers and sisters can walk late at night
Where her brothers are not shot because their skin isn’t light
Where her friends can live with whoever they please
Without fearing guns at their temples, and batons at their knees.

Where the government is for the people, and not just for some
Where human rights are promised to every single one
Where all have education, clean water, clean air
Where the poor are not suffering while the rich just stare.

And she hates that this world is the one she must bear
Because the ones before her, the ones now, they just don’t care
Why is this normal? How can it be?That we hate each other, ourselves so easily?

Why are we hated for what we cannot control?
When we share the same blood, the same bone
We’re human, after all
And she knows she must do something, she must speak, she must scream,
For the people unknown, for the people unseen

But she knows when she opens her mouth she will hear
That she is just a child, she mustn’t talk, she mustn’t fear
But if it isn’t her who speaks, who fights
Who will be there for minorities who have no rights?

So, she sighs and she lays her head to down to sleep
And she dreams of a world of love and of peace.

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