Site icon Expression Of Age

Look and See

“Look!” they whisper “Can’t you see?”
She cannot
She sees everyday life, normal life
She sees trees that sway in the breeze
She sees paved roads and grass growing in sidewalk cracks
She sees brick walls and slate roofs
She sees birds in their nests, she sees dogs with owners
She shakes her head

“Closer” they whisper “You must see deep”
But she now notices what’s different
She sees pained expressions as they limp down the street
She she leaves falling off of dying branches
She sees children trip over the sidewalk
She sees plaster that cracks and flakes away
Slabs of roof that slide and clink with rattling wind
She sees birds scream for their mother, hungry and weak
She sees dogs shy away from their owners, afraid

For she has observed, she has seen deeper
She has learned to look beyond the surface
And she sees what the rest may not
“Look” she says “try to see”.

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