ocean child

clear blue skies and the sun parting through the clouds

her voice spoke to me like sun streaming through azure

her voice spoke to me when clouds were whisked away with wind


sea salt breeze ruffling the sea and gulls floating on its pull

her standing by my side sent me floating on the summer breeze

her hands in mine sent me soaring over blue and sandy shores


blue waves, dissolving seafoam and the whirlpools left behind

her laugh hit me like the loud crashing of the waves on the shore

her laugh left me like the pull of the tide, and i waited for it to come back


beds of sand, golden and hot, softly sifting through my fingers

her feelings surrounded me like fine sand that i couldn’t grasp

her emotions were salty and muddy around me like drowning quicksand


rough waves, drowning deep ocean and cyclic storms

her love was a never-ending cyclone of pouring rain and thunder

her love was an ocean i strayed too far from the shore of.

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