I Don’t Miss You

i dont miss you if you asked me if i missed you i would say no because missing you means  more than admitting you left  it means that the thought of you leaves my throat dry and my stomach hollow this gaping pain in my chest never ceases like the way you flit in my mind and i cannot say that i miss you because that would mean that i let you into my soul gave you a place in my life  that you so rudely ran from it would be saying that you once made me smile more than […]

i dont do love

i dont do love i don’t do lovesick messages written over wooden desks engraved by the hands missing the touch of another  waiting for the day to be reunited with so-called forever encapsulating the songs of a million hearts in three words i don’t do sugar-sweet saccharine novel-bound romance brimming with rain-filled scenes and confessions of the soul monologues of the hearts true needs without the other  of soaring spirits and unconditional four-letter everything i don’t do lifebound handheld dependent partnership where two melded hearts see each other through nights and mornings bound to the same cheeks and smiles affectionate […]


bask Is the world fabricated from broken promises of a generation once lost? A tuneless song of one’s own suffering to no end ? Or could the world be made of shards of kaleidoscope glass  Shattered under the golden light of the evening sunset Is the world built of the dying last touch of lovers hurt? A sad tale of heartbroken affairs on a lonely eve? Or could the world be made of curicules of violet haze Filled with lost love reborn on a lonely summer night Is the world nothing but the bricks of a life unlived to its […]


s(c/t)ar born out of black haze and scarlet skies  violent and unpredictable creature of the night  surrounded by reverberating songs of minor sevenths and syncopated melodies she drowned in she transcended past the bare plastic of her life the glass shards of her mistakes and regrets unstoppable as she was brokenhearted raised into clouds of dissociative colors and emotions she was a ceramic painted sculpture of glitter and repainted balm stuck together haphazardly she was a painting of ripped and stitched canvas thrown paint and angry harsh unending lines a slurry hurricane of remorse and repent calming into a being […]

Sordid Tale

Sordid Tale it was a story to remain untold stuck and forever rotting within the confines of my mind this lovesick dependency on what could not support was the secret i lay hidden in my heart this affair with chemical indifference  blackening and dizzying  was what brought me a sense of fictitious control and respite so once again i must retell my tale to the bare few that will listen a question of acceptance and sanity constantly tugging the depths of  my labyrinth of a head and i must remind myself  that an alternate ending was not  in my fate […]


rexie darling rexie is dying she is an empty skeleton husk a shadow of what she used to be starved and malnourished she stares out into the cold  with sunken eye sockets   my dear rexie is unhappy her chemical rewiring leaves her  forever obsessed and unsatisfied she can barely hold on a harsh song of hate  all that her mind can repeat   sweetest rexie is empty she stares back at herself she is penny thin wristed and dozen inch waisted a number on the scale free falling, free falling   my beautiful rexie is empty she is barely […]

Ink is running out

Ink is running out Quickly, my child You must spill your words  Let your story escape from  The confines of your mind You must speak your truth  Each syllable, each syncopate You must reach for the depths Of your souls, broke and hurt You cannot find in yourself any longer Quickly, my child You must flip these pages of your Jarring faerie-tale ending  And rewrite the lines of error Regrets and past promises  That could not be redone Must leave your soiled papyrus So write till your hands bleed  Like the ink of your fountain nib Twisting sentences into a […]

Broken Promises

Broken Promises My promises to you were second-hand glass Destined to break the moment they were set in place Precariously balancing one moment with its still water But broken in bloodstained shards the next   My promises to you were a house of cards Bare lies stacked on top of each other The slightest blow sends them crashing Into a black-red mess on the floor   My promises to you were the last of the fall leaves Waiting for the time to leave, never quite right Shriveled, color-drained, and devoid of life Waiting to be crushed under my steel-toed boot […]

beginning of summer

the beginning of summer the cold has left, but it remains in the gale that passes by my window the gray of the skies has bled into the palest blue the sun has escaped its embrace in the clouds the world just barely warm enough to walk under tree shade their branches budding with pastel blooms and greener leaves the spray of moringa over tank top clad, sunburned arms begin clear mornings under the pleasant gift of the march month.  they speak of the coming summer, the sun only getting brighter and in my crayon-colored sunlit room the call of […]


icarus you are a golden child among the rays of the sun you float on your sea salt breeze in azure sky your wings beat with the grace of an angel you stray not far from god’s abode itself and high up in the clouds of your escape tell me, what is freedom?   far from your tower of stone imprisonment your days of inferiority and bare survival you are above the control of the world that shut you out you soar from the rules broken like the waves beneath you you are a bird, you are a man, you […]


Oranges The bell would ring,  Snack time!, it called The teacher would pack her books with a sigh My friends would squeal, chittering, metals chairs scraping against linoleum They would all rush to piled biscuits in the corridor, sickly sweet But not you Head down, lips pursed, you would shuffle to my doodled-on desk And I would reach into my bookbag Pull out an orange for us Carefully peeled, curls of skin dropping with its summer smell You held out your hand, cupped, eyes wide A silent ask, to which I obliged. Slices pulled from between the fiber spiderwebs, soft […]

ocean child

ocean child clear blue skies and the sun parting through the clouds her voice spoke to me like sun streaming through azure her voice spoke to me when clouds were whisked away with wind   sea salt breeze ruffling the sea and gulls floating on its pull her standing by my side sent me floating on the summer breeze her hands in mine sent me soaring over blue and sandy shores   blue waves, dissolving seafoam and the whirlpools left behind her laugh hit me like the loud crashing of the waves on the shore her laugh left me like […]