You have heard our stories, you have heard our words

You have heard the tales of our home’s unknown

Can you see why they matter? Can you see what they mean?

They hold the secrets to our world, to our planet blue-green

Each place sacred, a careful habitat, an important abode

Where we live and cry, where we hunt and roam

Its beauty unmatched, every home blazing and new

Of different worlds, different families, different people too.

Every tree, every twig, every flower, are important to us

We live on the sand, the air, dirt the dust

Each land so different from the ones around it

Home to creatures and critters like us, a perfect fit

But they crumble, they crash, they cry in these times

They are destroyed, they are forever changed under warmer skies

Please help us, can’t you see how it matters to us all?

Even if we die, there are so many of you who will fall

You depend on nature, you drink it in in plenty

It is not just us who need it, who reap its bounty

We need our earth, we need to hold it close

We mustn’t let it slip away, we must nurture it, help it grow

But it is falling away with everything that you do

Technology and industry, urban land paying its dues

The effects reverberate through the earth’s biomes

And each of us, must step into a dreary future unknown

But all is not lost, hope is not gone.

We are so close to an end, but we are still holding on

We can change it for the better, each of us has the power

It might be slight, but we can make a change, our effort is in sight

You can change your lifestyle, little by little, a small change is all it takes

For us to have our homes again, for things to be the same

Start green, start renewable, start reusing, start something new

Leave behind the soot-filled, exhaust-spewing life you knew

You can find out ways to help, you’re so close to knowing it all

You have the world at your fingertips, everything in your control

Pressure the polluters, redo their design

Remake your homes, change your support lines

It’s our earth, it’s our world, it’s for you, it’s for me

Who holds the key to it all? Who can change it like it just has been?

The answer is blazing, the answer is clear

Within the words of these poems, all is there to hear

We are begging, we are crying, we are shouting for change

It’s us against the world, our homes are at stake

Can you see all that we must protect, all that we must save?

The world is only ours to keep from climate change

For everyone on this earth, we must keep it all safe.

It starts with appreciation, understanding and transformation for a better place.

Thank you for reading the series “Our Biomes, Our World”, my project to help fight against climate change and do my part to reduce human impact on our environment. This was my way to raise awareness, and incite the same passion to change our world that I have. I hope that after reading this series, you feel the same need for change. In order to help out, here are a few ways you can make a difference and reduce the impact we have on our surroundings.

  • Eat Local, and Eat Organic, and reduce the carbon footprint your food consumption has
  • Save energy, or even change your energy power supply to renweable energy to prevent carbon emissions
  • Reduce, resuse, repair, recycle. Minimizing waste production is especailly important in the fight for conservation
  • Public transport and eco-friendly travelling. Reduce your emissions by opting for sustainable transport methods
  • Use eco-friendly and sustainable products. Do research and find labels you can trust, especially for food.
  • Most importantly, Speak Up! You have a voice, and you can use it to change and teach those around you about climate change and human impact on the biomes of our world.

If these suggestions are not enough, here are a few websites that can help you learn more about our climate and how to make a difference about it.

Act Now | United Nations

The best climate change charities to donate to – Vox

ClimateChange | United Nations

How You Can Stop Climate Change – NRDC

Top Ten Things You Can Do About Climate Change – The David Suzuki Foundation

Remember, a small change is all it takes, and we all have a role to play. Do what you can to save our biomes, our world.

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2 Replies to “Our Biomes, Our World; The Afternote”

  1. Wonderful expression! Hugely talented and very sensitive to the issues of the world.
    Blessings for a great creative future.

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